When I tell you that I have been hunting for this bag for 3 months straight, I really meant it. Now that I found it, I wear it almost all weekends out.
Known as the Lexington Pochette by Louis Vuitton made in the early 2000s, its beauty lies within craftsmanship. I’m obsessed with the dimensions of this mini bag. I can fit my Airpods, a portable battery charger, cardholder, chapstick, and keys. These are the fundamental things that I carry with me every day as a minimalist.
Because of its patent leather, it’ll last for years on. If you want to invest better, know your worth in its value over a quality that will last you only for 2 years. I always try to stay conscious about finding high-quality items that have solid neutral tones that still shine after a decade. I don’t have to think about what bag to match my outfits because it’ll go with almost everything I wear.
The last thing is the color balance. Finding this bag in baby blue is rare, especially in perfect condition. I love that this color makes it feel very calming and soft which reflects a lot on my personality.
So the main question is, where did I get this bag from? Purchased from @nitryl on Depop, the seller has never disappointed with high-quality, authenticated items that are accurately described through the photos. Most designer brands that this seller collects are either in great condition or almost close to being perfect. I was lucky enough to have found this rare mini bag in its perfect form without creases, dents, and stains.
Though due to its fragility, you can easily damage the bag if you don’t carefully wear it properly without bending it. The more things you add to the space inside the bag, the less likely you’ll build creases. It’s time to find a bag that can be practical in your fashion lifestyle choices.